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Is Keratin Application Good for Hair Loss?

By February 6th, 2022Blog7 min read
Is Keratin Application Good for Hair Loss?


Is keratin application good for hair loss? Keratin is the main ingredient of our hair and is known as a high-rate form of sulfur protein. Keratin is found in the structure of foods such as cabbage, broccoli, onions, legumes. This protein is resistant to rupture and breakage conditions, which are harmful conditions that may occur in our structure hair. The reason for this durability is the sulfur located in the high structure.

Keratin is very important not only for hair but also in nails, skin, and teeth. It chemically damages the structure of keratin in the hair in daily life, even to blow with many materials, especially with the heat and pollution.  As a result of this chemical wear, a dry image occurs in the hair because of the loss of hair moisture retention at a high rate, electrically and blistering occurs in the hair due to this lack of moisture. This chemical wear prevents our hair from looking healthy and well-groomed because the most prominent effect of hair, making it look healthy, is that the keratin is sufficient, and the humidity in the hair is balanced. The loss of keratin at the core of hair prevents the hair from looking vibrant, bright, healthy.

In contrast, hair has a lifeless, pale, matte, unhealthy, mixed image. After baths, hair is complicated to scan, and hair breaks occur during screening. Simultaneously, the hair, which lacks keratin, loses hair health by breaking the slightest wear and tear. Unhealthy and always spilled hair can cause permanent hair loss and thinning the hair and causing sparse hair.

What is Keratin Oil?

Keratin is best known as a type of protein used in care products such as hair care and nail care. In keratin oil, the chains called keratin oil and polypeptides are glued together with the sulfur bridge. These sulfur bridges contain amino acids. Keratin, which has an important place in hair care, also plays an important role in the structure of nails and teeth.

Keratin is the reason why the hair came to mind at first is that the keratin in the hair and the keratin, which also contain edibles, are different from each other.  The keratin oils are used to feed the hair follicle to make it healthier and sturdy. Especially after bathing and cleaning the hair thoroughly, the keratin oil that is put on the hair prevents the hair from breaking.

Always dying hair, doing processes requiring heat, and in general, the dust that occurs in social life loses the keratin contained in the hair as a result of the wear and tear of the hair. Keratin oils and keratin extracted products used at this stage ensure the balance of keratin. When using keratin extracted products, it is crucial to pay attention to the proportion of keratin in it and the use of original and reliable products. The product of an unreliable brand will negatively affect hair health, but instead of caring, it can cause hair loss that will damage hair follicles. At the same time, this spill can cause permanent hair loss, causing permanent damage. Therefore, it is important to use reliable products in the advice of an expert.

What are the advantages of Keratin Care?

The most important plus of keratin care is that it is repairing. Even the most prominent feature that distinguishes keratin care from hair care cream and oils is the restorative. Keratin level falls below the average level due to heat treatment, which brings weakening, breaking, and even hair loss of the sheets. In maintenance, keratin is loaded and thickens by strengthening the weakened hair strands. This minimizes the formation of hair loss and fractures.

Because keratin covers the outside of the hair strands, preventing damage to external factors. So the project takes on the task of a layer. Prevents the appearance of puffing caused by electrical in the hair. Removes dryness from the hair, allowing the hair to come to a soft form. It destroys the matte appearance that occurs in the hair and ensures the glare of the hair. It saves you from the troubles, such as blow-up every day to hide the bad image of hair. Since keratin penetrates the hair follicles, these useful features that it provides to the hair continue for a long time. Moreover, it eradicates the damage to the hair.

Which Hair Needs Keratine?

Keratin is a protein that also contains the hair’s content and provides the health of the hair. Thinning of hair strands that have lost keratin occurs and becomes weaker. Hair often moves together in short time frames, making it difficult to open. The hair loses its vivid and bright look and is replaced by a pale, matte image. Besides hair loss, the hair also breaks more quickly, and the part begins to break. The hair is easily damaged and opened hard because it wanders around, and it is just as hard to scan. As soon as such situations are seen, hair keratin is lost, keratin is used in conjunction with keratin’s care by regaining hair health thanks to the products, eliminating the lack of keratin. It is also important to pay attention to nutrition and increase protein consumption in solving problems that occur in hair.

How to Apply Keratin Care?

Keratin care is needed to keep your hair glowing with health. Keratin care is carried out in the recommended way:

The hair is washed nicely with shampoo’s help first and is kept with shampoo for approximately 5 or 10 minutes. Then the hair is rinsed for complete purification of shampoo, and after rinsing, keratin is loaded with the help of products that contain keratin to wet hair. For keratin to affect all hair areas, the hair is scanned for a while and massaged the hair with soft movements. It is then installed until there is no wetness left in the scanned hair, and the hair is kept for twenty minutes with the heat in the machine explicitly developed for this application.

The person who makes these operations on the hair does not wash his hair for two or three days to ensure that the hair’s keratin is more effective for a more extended period. During these two or three days, the person’s hair, whether blow-blow or otherwise, apply heat. As a result, the hair is washed. The effect of this care is approximately one bud that lasts for two months. It is possible to apply this care to your hair at home by ensuring keratin substance applied to the hair and saving both time and money.

What to Do After Keratin Care

After keratin is maintained, the hair has a beautiful appearance, but that does not mean that the hair is not affected by external factors in any way. Especially if you have overworn hair before maintenance, you should pay attention to the shampoos and creams you use after maintenance. Because the ordinary shampoos used also damage the keratin loaded on to the hair and the life span of the beautiful appearance it gives to the hair is shortened. It would be much more beneficial for your hair to use sulfate less shampoo that does not dry hair without erosion after this care. As you can, it is necessary not to resort to heat-requiring processes as you can and also to use creams that will feed the hair regularly.