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Diabetes And Hair Loss Treatment

By February 6th, 2022Blog6 min read
Diabetes And Hair Loss Treatment

Diabetes And Hair Loss Treatment One of the most common chronic diseases worldwide is diabetes. It is known that some patients with diabetes have hair loss. People with diabetes wonder if their illness is the cause of hair loss. Does Diabetes Cause Hair Loss? We have considered the answer to this question for you. Diabetes and hair loss treatment details are in the continuation of our article.

Hair loss is one of the most common problems. However, patients with diabetes have a different view of hair loss. In some cases, when the problem becomes excessive, the doctor will recommend a hair transplant.

Is diabetes related to hair loss? Is this disease the biggest reason for hair loss? All the details are in our article.

Relationship between diabetes and hair loss treatment

Since diabetes is a blood-related disease, it affects the whole body. We can also say that the hair is located between the affected areas. Some diabetics complain that their hair falls out or becomes thinner. Based on this condition, high blood sugar affects blood circulation.

The hair follicles feed on the food that accompanies the blood. If certain circulatory problems occur, weakening of the hair is inevitable. In patients with diabetes, such a case occurs and hair loss occurs.

Another negative effect of diabetes on hair is that it causes diseases such as alopecia areata and thyroid disorders. Thyroid disorders do not always cause hair loss but can lead to herd loss. Alopecia areata, on the other hand, is an immune-related hair loss disease that can cause hair loss. Although this disease usually affects the hair, in some cases it can also appear in different areas such as the eyebrows.

Causes of hair loss associated with diabetes

There are different reasons why diabetes can cause hair loss. The prominent ones are listed below.

Hormonal irregularity

Hormones are secretions that affect the overall functions of the body. The range of hormones secreted by different glands may be reduced due to diabetes. Hormone imbalance and dysfunction directly affect hair growth cycles, which causes hair loss. Women whose hormone levels change during pregnancy and menopause can be cited as an example. By securing these periods, women have hair loss.

Poor blood circulation

Diabetes can especially damage the capillaries. This means that the hair follicles do not feed as you would like. When the hair follicles are left without nutrients, their holding force decreases and they become weak. As a result, hair loss occurs.

Slowing down the hair cycle

Our hair grows and circulates. When the growth phase (anagen) is complete, the hair follicles begin to rest (telogen). After the resting phase, the hair grows behind the hair follicle. Diabetes can cause this cycle to stop. It causes a significant part of the hair to remain in the telogen phase and the hair strands become thinner. As a result, a disease called telogen effluvium occurs.

The weakening of the immune system

Diabetes can adversely affect the immune system. It can cause diseases such as infections and fungi on the scalp.

What should I do?

If you have hair loss due to diabetes, you can try the following solutions.

If the cause of hair loss is diabetes, you can start by keeping your blood sugar normal. You need to have a normal balance of hormones and strengthen your immune system.

You should consult your doctor about hair loss. At this stage, your test results are checked. So, if there is a negative condition, hair loss treatment is started to balance it. You can also consult a dermatologist about the condition of your scalp if necessary.

If you suffer from unexpected and severe hair loss, you should visit a doctor to find out the cause.

It is very difficult to say that diabetes is the cause of hair loss in patients with diabetes. Therefore, never forget that hair loss can have different causes.

After dealing with the condition that causes your hair loss, you can choose PRP or similar treatments to grow your hair. If you have lost your hair permanently, hair transplantation will be an important choice for you.

Tips for slowing down hair loss

There are many factors that affect hair loss and you can influence some of them. You can reduce hair loss with the right intervention. Here are the points to look out for:

  • Use appliances such as a hair dryer and hair straightener less.
  • Your hair comb should have adequate and regular teeth.
  • Use quality shampoo and hair care products.
  • Eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly.
  • Protect your hair from excessive sun, wind and chlorine. Do not allow it to be exposed directly to them.
  • Fight stress properly and get help when needed.

Stopping hair loss caused by diabetes

Healthy living is the main point that should be considered to stop the hair loss caused by diabetes. If you live in a healthy way, there will be no problems with your blood circulation, so that the hair follicles are properly nourished. This means that hair loss stops and hair is strengthened again.

In addition to a healthy diet, exercise should not be neglected. This way, you will fight diabetes and have the opportunity to protect your hair. In this regard, it should be noted that regular medical examinations are required.

Once the rejection stops, a drug called minoxidil can be used to regenerate faded hair. Applying minoxidil directly to the scalp gives very effective results. Apart from this, laser, PRP, mesotherapy and similar treatments may also be preferred. The important point to note here is that the hair loss treatments listed are effective if there are hair follicles. If your hair follicles are not in place, never forget that you should prefer a hair transplant.

You should take the problem seriously and consult a doctor. Patients should start hair loss treatment to control the problem as soon as possible. In some cases, when the problem cannot be treated with medication, hair transplant surgery is required.

To learn more about diabetes and hair loss treatment, hair transplants and other issues related to hair regeneration, be sure to contact our clinic today. We can discuss these issues in more detail during a consultation.