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One Month After Hair Transplant Surgery

By March 24th, 2024Blog8 min read
One Month After Hair Transplant Surgery

Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure that involves the transfer of hair follicles from a donor site to a recipient site. The first month after a hair transplant is a critical period for the patient, as it is the time when the transplanted hair follicles are most vulnerable to damage and infection1. It’s important for patients to follow the post-operative instructions provided by their surgeon to ensure a successful recovery.

What are the possible complications after a hair transplant?

One of the most common complications of hair transplantation is infection. Patients should be advised to keep the recipient area clean and dry to prevent infection*. They should also avoid touching the recipient area and refrain from scratching or rubbing the scalp. Patients should also avoid strenuous physical activity and exposure to direct sunlight for the first month after the procedure*.

Another potential complication of hair transplantation is bleeding. Patients should be advised to avoid taking blood-thinning medications, such as aspirin, for at least two weeks before the procedure to reduce the risk of bleeding*. Patients should also avoid smoking and drinking alcohol for at least two weeks before and after hair transplant procedure, as these activities can increase the risk of bleeding and delay the healing process*.


Patients should also be advised that the transplanted hair follicles will shed within the first two to three weeks after the procedure. This is a normal part of the healing process, and patients should not be alarmed*. The transplanted hair follicles will begin to grow new hair within three to four months after the procedure, and patients should see significant hair growth within six to nine months*.


What should I do after my transplant?

Our patient before transplant

Here, we would like to point out a few important rules about what should be considered after hair transplantation. You will be informed about what you should do and how you should take care of your scalp by your doctor. It will be sufficient to overcome the post-hair transplantation period, which requires some special applications, without any problems, and to use the medicines provided regularly and to perform the recommended applications to get your new hair as soon as possible.


You should stay away from heavy work that will make you sweat, tire, and cause you to take a shower constantly. In addition, hair follicles will be damaged due to sweating and will not be able to grow in a healthy way.


Our patient 1 month after

You should stay away from stressful and tense environments. Because stress is one of the biggest causes of hair loss. If you have lost your hair especially due to stress, do not be in stressful environments after a hair transplantation.

Since you will need antibiotics after hair transplantation, you should definitely not drink alcohol. Alcohol will be harmful to your newly transplanted hair as it will enter your circulatory system directly through the blood.


It is possible to feel partial pain and fatigue after hair transplantation. Tension may also be experienced due to the local anesthesia given. If you use the medications recommended by your doctor, these symptoms will disappear completely within a few days.

Timeline after the hair transplant

For the first few days, you should lie on your back as much as possible and avoid touching the treated area other than application of your treatment and washings prescribed by the doctor. If the application is also done on the back of your head, you must lie face down.

The day after the hair transplant, the bandage placed on the area where the hair is taken from the neck should be removed and the dressing should be reapplied. After that, a bandage will be attached to your forehead to prevent edema from falling from your head to your forehead and eyes.

From day 2 after the hair transplant, no application is made to the transplanted area. Only drugs and solutions prescribed by your doctor should be used.

In the first 3 days after hair transplantation, hair should never be washed on the same day as you transplant. On the day after, you should go to the hospital and have a dressing on your neck area. Doctors recommend washing hair only after the 3rd day. If washing is done before, it will be difficult to get the desired result from hair transplantation. For the first three days, you should avoid the sun as much as possible. If you absolutely need to go out, it is recommended to wear a hat made of soft fabric that will not bother your head.

It is essential to take care that the area where the hair is transplanted does not come into contact with any place and does not get hit.

It is necessary to avoid smoking, coffee, tea, and alcohol consumption in the first 3 days. Since these are substances that directly enter the blood and contain drugs or stimulants, your newly planted hair follicles will be affected very quickly.

Scabs on the scalp begin to shed from the 10th day after hair transplantation. If this shedding is delayed due to your skin structure, you can facilitate this with soft massage movements while washing.

It is very important that your transplanted area is clean and hygienic after hair transplantation. If itching occurs on the scalp, report this to your doctor and ask him to recommend medication. Substances such as jelly, spray, briyantin should never be applied to the transplanted area. One Month After Hair Transplant SurgeryThe hair transplantation area must be protected from sunlight and rain for at least 15 days.

It is necessary not to enter very hot or very cold environments, to bathe with warm water instead of hot or cold water, to stay away from the Turkish baths, saunas, pools, and the sea. Such places will also increase your risk of infection and reduce the success rate of the operation.

It is imperative that you wash your head, which you did not wash for the first 3 days, with shampoos with a pH of 5.5, antibacterial, and low chemical content, for 3rd day to day 15 and even beyond. These types of shampoos will kill bacteria and germs on your scalp and will ensure the development of hair follicles.

About a week after hair transplantation, scars on your scalp pass, and scabs fall off. The incisions or scars formed during the operation will be completely removed. You don’t have to worry about this.

In the days after the operation, small rashes or pimples can be seen in the parts where the hair follicles are taken. If you use your medicines regularly and pay attention to your hygiene, they will pass after a while.

The first month after a hair transplant is a critical period for the patient. Patients should follow the post-operative instructions provided by their surgeon to ensure a successful recovery. They should keep the recipient area clean and dry, avoid touching the scalp, and refrain from strenuous physical activity and exposure to direct sunlight. Patients should also be aware of the potential complications of hair transplantation, such as infection and bleeding, and take steps to reduce their risk. With proper care and attention, patients can expect to see significant hair growth within six to nine months after the procedure.


Kerure, Amit S, and Narendra Patwardhan. “Complications in Hair Transplantation.” Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2018, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6371733/

Hair Transplantation – Statpearls – NCBI Bookshelf. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK547740/.

True, Robert H. Is Every Patient of Hair Loss a Candidate for Hair Transplant?-Deciding Surgical Candidacy in Pattern Hair Loss. Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery: Official Publication of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 20 Dec. 2021, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8719975/.


  • Dr. Zafer Çetinkaya


    Dr. Zafer Çetinkaya is a Head of Hair Transplant Medical Team at Estenove with over 9 years of experience in the hair transplant industry. Throughout his professional life, he’s left his artistic impact on over 10,000 hair transplant patients both in operation and consultation.
