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Can Iron Deficiency Cause Hair Loss?

By February 6th, 2022Blog7 min read
Can Iron Deficiency Cause Hair Loss?

Can Iron Deficiency Cause Hair Loss? When your body does not have enough iron, it cannot produce hemoglobin in the blood. Hemoglobin is essential for the transport of nutrients and oxygen to every cell in the body. This includes the hair follicles. Can iron deficiency cause hair loss when not enough iron is taken into the body?

Although hair loss is not a typical sign of iron deficiency, according to doctors, iron deficiency or anemia can cause hair loss.

So, if you are losing a lot of hair and do not seem to know the reason, consult a doctor and check your iron levels.

Your doctor can also check your ferritin levels, which indicate iron stores in your body. Sometimes, you may have enough iron in your blood, but due to low ferritin levels, your body may not be able to properly use the iron from stores.

The Journal of Korean Medical Science published a study stating that hair loss caused by iron deficiency is similar to male (and female) baldness.

Can iron deficiency cause hair loss: The good news

The good news is that hair loss caused by anemia is temporary. Once you have cured your anemia, your follicles begin to feed on oxygenated blood, activating their function.

What research says about iron deficiency and hair loss

According to research, iron deficiency can cause hair loss, but it does not cause damage or follicles. This means that you can easily activate hair regeneration as soon as you “pump” your body with enough iron.

The researchers found that the follicles may be sensitive to low levels of iron. Thus, they can either inactivate or slow down hair production. Replenishing your body with enough iron can cause the follicles to reactivate.

But you should not start taking iron supplements yourself. Consult a doctor first. Depending on the severity of the deficiency, your doctor will determine the dosage.

Some people find that their digestive system is more sensitive to iron supplements. They may experience indigestion or stomach problems. Therefore, you should observe the side effects of iron supplements and report them to your doctor.

Sometimes, hair loss can be due to multiple nutritional deficiencies. You may be deficient in iron and zinc or certain amino acids in the vitamin B group. In this case, you should be a hair loss treatment by taking vitamin B supplements.

Can Vitamin B12 Deficiency Cause Hair Loss?

If there is not enough vitamin B12 in your body, cells throughout your body are struggling to reproduce. If hair cells stop reproducing in the hair follicle, it means that your hair growth has stopped.

The development and maturation of a large number of red blood cells requires vitamin b12. Lack of red blood cells means that less oxygen is pumped to your scalp. Unlike other organs, low oxygen levels can weaken your hair follicles and eventually turn them into inactive follicles. Therefore, B12 deficiency contributes to hair loss.

Does low vitamin B12 also cause thinning hair? Well, it can. Cobalamin or vitamin B12 produces red blood cells in your bloodstream. Reduced red blood cell count reflects iron deficiency anemia in your body. One of the typical visible symptoms of iron deficiency is diffuse hair loss or thinning of your scalp.

Diet rich in iron

As mentioned earlier, b12 deficiency is associated with iron deficiency. Eating foods rich in iron helps prevent thinning hair.

Your body pumps iron steadily into the bloodstream. Iron is needed to process hemoglobin, a part of red blood cells that carries oxygen. It takes oxygen to your lungs, directs it through the bloodstream and carries it to the tissues, including the tissues of your scalp.

Here is a list of foods rich in iron

  • Cabbages, beans and lentils
  • Potatoes, carrots and beets
  • Dates
  • Dark green leafy vegetables like spinach
  • Cereals
  • Wholemeal bread and fortified with B12
  • Lean beef
  • Oysters
  • Chicken
  • Turkey

Enhancement of B12 absorption

Absorption of B12 in the body is a long tedious process. Any disturbance in the various levels of digestion, from chewing to the end of the colon can affect the absorption of B12. Good eating practices, healthy eating choices supported by a diet that prevents digestive disorders and helps absorb and assimilate vitamin B12.

Help your body properly absorb b12 by detoxifying your digestive system. Your digestive system can be cleansed with Ayurveda Basti, Vaman and Virechan hair loss treatments. The process is similar to an enema. But in Ayurveda, it is prepared with vegetable oils and decoctions. Doctors can tell you whether to detox or not. The anemia procedure should be performed under the guidance of a physician.

Will B12 deficient hair grow?

Yes! Your hair will grow back as soon as you face the deficiency. When vitamin B12 is restored in your body, your hair cells will reproduce adequately and support your hair follicles to grow healthy hair. It only takes a few months after a systematic diet plan to reverse hair loss with a lack of vitamins.

How much vitamin B12 do you need per day?

The average daily requirement of vitamin B12 in a healthy adult is 2.4 micrograms. If you are consuming b12 naturally, the amount may be greater than 2.4 mcg as it is water soluble. Your kidneys break down excess B12 and excrete it in your urine.

The last word

B12 deficiency is related to the blood circulation in your hair follicles. It also reflects iron deficiency and diffuse hair loss on your scalp. The problem with b12 is that it is not sufficiently available in vegetarian foods. The dose of supplements prescribed by your doctor is the best choice for restoring vitamin b12 in your body.

Head massage with Ayurvedic essential oils and herbs helps to circulate blood flow to your scalp. Washing your hair with herbal shampoo protects your weak hair. However, the best way to reverse B12 deficient hair loss is to have enough B12 in your diet.

Foods rich in iron

Fruits strawberries, watermelon, figs, dates, dried peaches and apricots, raisins, pomegranate.

Vegetables sweet potatoes, spinach, broccoli, peas, potatoes, beets, green beans and dandelions.

Beans beans, lentils, molasses, dried peas, tomato products and tofu.

Cereals whole grains, fortified rice, corn, oatmeal, rye breads, fortified pasta and wheat products.

Seafood mussels, oysters, tuna, shrimp and scallops.

Meats chicken, eggs, turkey, pork and lamb.

Tips for hair loss treatment due to iron deficiency

Can iron deficiency cause hair loss? Treat your hair like a baby because it is weak now. Use sulfate-free shampoos designed to strengthen hair and nourish the scalp. Avoid tight hairstyles that can break the hair or further weaken the roots. You can use hair regeneration and hair loss treatment in our clinics that contains minoxidil.